20th November 2017. Islam is the name of the game for today's class. We had to complete a few more things about Appadurai's essay on Cultural Dimensions of Globalization (first 27 minutes), but then we had an interesting guest lecture by Abdel Latif Chalikandi.
He discussed the role of fake news and how islamophobia is related to the sistematic production by media of a distorted image of what Islam is and does.
Most of Muslims in the world act peacefully and don't have negative attitude towards "the West".
It is evident there are growing issues of communication and mutual understanding between Muslims and non Muslims in different parts of the world.
We came up with a long list of questions, issues and even more to think about.
The assigned reading for this week is al almost old (let's say seasoned) article by Ruba Salih on the emergence of a post-national and transnational Islam in Europe. But it presents an Italian case-study and perfectly fits my teaching needs.
Q. I don't have a specific question for this week topic, but you may want to share your view on Islam, after what you read and you listened, reporting on an experience of yours with Islam, whatever may it be.
Ho insegnato a Venezia, Lubiana, Roma, Napoli, Firenze, Cosenza e Teramo. Sono stato research assistant alla Queen's University of Belfast e prima ho vissuto per due anni in Grecia, per il mio dottorato. Ora insegno a Tor Vergata e nel campus romano del Trinity College di Hartford (CT). Penso che le scienze sociali servano a darci una mano, gli uni con gli altri, ad affrontare questa cosa complicata, tanto meravigliosa quanto terribile, che chiamano vita.
sabato 2 dicembre 2017
Anthropology of Globalization for Global Governance #14
Anthropology of globalization,
European Islam,